Fox TV Rocks!

FOX is a real news channel, fair and balanced!

If you notice the liberal left like to find rare FOX mistakes and bloopers and post them on Youtube. But they never seem to find the daily twisted reporting from ABC, MSNBC, CNN and NBC as a mistake.

Anybody that would support CNN, NBC and MSNBC are simply biased toward liberal idealogy. Dan Rathers was just one prime example of a biased reporter, who was lower than pond scum on the evolution chain!

What further proof would anyone need or ask for then to just read this 'POST' and have completely clarity on the I.Q. for the Faux News viewers ;) Excellent post've succeed in proving what the rest of us have failed to do!
Look people watch what you like and I don't care whose ratings are what. In the end as long as news organizations put out there the stuff the people want to watch then I don't have a problem with it and neither should any of you. If they lie then they lie. If they tell the truth then they do...Its a free country and last time I checked most of our news organizations are owned by corporations anyways right? So at the end of the day its about the almighty dollar and not so much about news....
The it would be fair to say, which you didn't that MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN act as political agents of the Liberal Left Democrats.

How do you think Obama got elected in the first place. No tough questions on the Left Leaning Media.

I think Loose Change had it right. Watch what you want. It's everyone's choice. If they want to see Fox then so be it. If it's CNN then that's o.k.

Washington should keep their sorry a$$ out of it.
The it would be fair to say, which you didn't that MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN act as political agents of the Liberal Left Democrats.

How do you think Obama got elected in the first place. No tough questions on the Left Leaning Media.

I think Loose Change had it right. Watch what you want. It's everyone's choice. If they want to see Fox then so be it. If it's CNN then that's o.k.

Washington should keep their sorry a$$ out of it.

CORRECT , Chesnut! , The real danger in allowing GOVERNMENT to CONTROL oue News Mediar is one of TRUST . Today , We see exactly the huge danger.
Our Federal Government is now controlled by Fascist , Extreme leftist , Socialist , and Communist . Each are represented in our Executive Branch, our Legislative Branch, and our Judiciary.Obama rules as a fascist, he appoints Czars with assorted anti - american views to help him in his quest to turn America into a fascist state. Obama picked a fight with FOX NEWS for two important reasons:1- To take the Nations attention off his FAILURES to effectively lead in any honest manner what so ever. The POLL numbers now show OBAMA is the worst President ever , even worse than Carter , the rabbit killer.
2- Obama cannot destroy FREE MARKET CAPITALISM , and along with it our CONSTITUTION , If FOX NEWS is watching and reporting TRUTH to AMERICA . Obama CONTROLS all but FOX NEWS and CONSERVATIVE talk radio.
If FOX NEWS falls to Obama and Conservative Talk Radio is muted, then Obama will be free to "FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA " as he promised. Destroying our CONSTITUTIONAL LAW.
It is very possible our national elections of 2010 or 2012 will be canceled. Depending on how much success Obama has in driving his scary politics . Is this not VERY SERIOUS?
The it would be fair to say, which you didn't that MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN act as political agents of the Liberal Left Democrats.

How do you think Obama got elected in the first place. No tough questions on the Left Leaning Media.

I think Loose Change had it right. Watch what you want. It's everyone's choice. If they want to see Fox then so be it. If it's CNN then that's o.k.

Washington should keep their sorry a$$ out of it.

It's the economy, stupid.
Yes, Obama has destroyed the economy.
Now it sounds offbase but all these discussions are related.

Fox has the the balance to report that jobs aren't returning
while MSNBC, ABC, and other liberal networks seem to ignore it.

Unemployment is way higher than 10% nationwide, it's just that
people are no longer even looking in many cases.

At least Fox will cover the news!
Look people just think for yourself and don't put these news organizations on a pedestal and worship them like a god. I mean seriously at the end of the day they are doing what they are doing best. It's called ratings and I don't care who watches what at this point in our political process a third party is invertible because Democrats are getting a little pay back and Republicans had their chance the last 8 years and look what it has gotten them. So at this point both parties are on notice and now it looks like the conservatives are striking first with a third party and it won't be long till liberals do the same. So Obama may have made history but in the end his being elected has not FINALLY getting us a third and soon to be a forth party to actually challenge the status quo. All I can say is to Democrats and Republicans its over your reigns are finally coming to an end. THANK GOD!!!!
Yes, Obama has destroyed the economy.
Now it sounds offbase but all these discussions are related.

Fox has the the balance to report that jobs aren't returning
while MSNBC, ABC, and other liberal networks seem to ignore it.

Unemployment is way higher than 10% nationwide, it's just that
people are no longer even looking in many cases.

At least Fox will cover the news!

ROTFLAMO...oh, you are quite the jokester :D

And yet you anoint our elected president with all of that 'POWER' to destroy the entire economy in 10 short months and drag that unemployment right into double digits and you blame him and he alone as the culprit...:eek:
AMAZING, why he must be 'SUPERMAN' to be able to accomplish all of that and in less time than it took G.W.B. to start 2 wars and get our debt load the worst in history...ya-boy poor old sorry arsed Georgie took 8 years to screw us up so horribly and LOOK AT WHAT PRESIDENT OBAMA HAS DONE IN JUST 10 months...SHOCK/HORROR :rolleyes: