Jesus Was A Socialist So The Usa Is A Non-christian Nation

Part of the title is correct, of course. The US is not, and never has been, a Christian nation.

And I sincerely hope it never will be.

I hate to break it to you, but you are incorrect. In 1811, the case of People v. Ruggles went to court. Ruggles had posted a vicious attack on Christianity. The court ruled as follows: an attack on Jesus Christ was an attack on Christianity; and an attack on Christianity was an attack on the foundation of the country; therefore, an attack on Jesus Christ was an equivalent to an attack on the country! The man was sentenced to 3 months in prison and a fine of $500.00 for attacking the country by attacking Jesus Christ.

In 1892 the case "Church of The Holy Trinity vs. The United States." was ruled on thus: "No purpose of action against religion can be imputed to any legislation, state or national, because this is a religious people. This is a Christian nation."

George Washington established Thanksgiving as a national religious holiday.

"This great nation was founded ... by Christians" -Patrick Henry

"Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty ... of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers." First chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, John Jay

"It is impossible to rightly govern . . . without God & the Bible." -G. Washington.

And from the Christian Thomas Jefferson...
"That religion or the duty which we owe to our Creator, and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence; and, therefore, all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity towards each other."

I would hope that most would understand the undeniable truth that the United States of America was founded and existed as a Christian nation for most of the past 200 years. Also that things have crumbled since we lost that foundation...
I hate to break it to you, but you are incorrect. In 1811, the case of People v. Ruggles went to court. Ruggles had posted a vicious attack on Christianity. The court ruled as follows: an attack on Jesus Christ was an attack on Christianity; and an attack on Christianity was an attack on the foundation of the country; therefore, an attack on Jesus Christ was an equivalent to an attack on the country! The man was sentenced to 3 months in prison and a fine of $500.00 for attacking the country by attacking Jesus Christ.

In 1892 the case "Church of The Holy Trinity vs. The United States." was ruled on thus: "No purpose of action against religion can be imputed to any legislation, state or national, because this is a religious people. This is a Christian nation."

......... but would these see the inside of a court room today?
I hate to break it to you, but you are incorrect. In 1811, the case of People v. Ruggles went to court. Ruggles had posted a vicious attack on Christianity. The court ruled as follows: an attack on Jesus Christ was an attack on Christianity; and an attack on Christianity was an attack on the foundation of the country; therefore, an attack on Jesus Christ was an equivalent to an attack on the country! The man was sentenced to 3 months in prison and a fine of $500.00 for attacking the country by attacking Jesus Christ.

In 1892 the case "Church of The Holy Trinity vs. The United States." was ruled on thus: "No purpose of action against religion can be imputed to any legislation, state or national, because this is a religious people. This is a Christian nation."

George Washington established Thanksgiving as a national religious holiday.

"This great nation was founded ... by Christians" -Patrick Henry

"Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty ... of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers." First chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, John Jay

"It is impossible to rightly govern . . . without God & the Bible." -G. Washington.

And from the Christian Thomas Jefferson...
"That religion or the duty which we owe to our Creator, and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence; and, therefore, all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity towards each other."

I would hope that most would understand the undeniable truth that the United States of America was founded and existed as a Christian nation for most of the past 200 years. Also that things have crumbled since we lost that foundation...

I thought it was Abraham Lincoln who made Thanksgiving a national holiday?
I thought it was Abraham Lincoln who made Thanksgiving a national holiday?

From Wiki:

As President, on October 3, 1789, George Washington made the following proclamation and created the first Thanksgiving Day designated by the national government of the United States of America:

-and I'll let you go look up his speech if you feel incline to. But no it was in fact George Washington.

However, you are not entire wrong. Lincoln established the third Thursday of November, whereas Washington said the 26th of November. Other presidents celebrated at different times. Lincoln made it final, and how we celebrate God's goodness towards us, to this day.
Jesus wasn't a socialist. He was into PERSONAL responsibility, and just general courtesy. Those traits seem to be disdained here anymore.
From Wiki:

As President, on October 3, 1789, George Washington made the following proclamation and created the first Thanksgiving Day designated by the national government of the United States of America:

-and I'll let you go look up his speech if you feel incline to. But no it was in fact George Washington.

However, you are not entire wrong. Lincoln established the third Thursday of November, whereas Washington said the 26th of November. Other presidents celebrated at different times. Lincoln made it final, and how we celebrate God's goodness towards us, to this day.

Ah you are right, thank you :)

That is one holiday I am willing to celebrate. I dont care for the others.
I hate to break it to you, but you are incorrect. In 1811, the case of People v. Ruggles went to court. Ruggles had posted a vicious attack on Christianity. The court ruled as follows: an attack on Jesus Christ was an attack on Christianity; and an attack on Christianity was an attack on the foundation of the country; therefore, an attack on Jesus Christ was an equivalent to an attack on the country! The man was sentenced to 3 months in prison and a fine of $500.00 for attacking the country by attacking Jesus Christ.

In 1892 the case "Church of The Holy Trinity vs. The United States." was ruled on thus: "No purpose of action against religion can be imputed to any legislation, state or national, because this is a religious people. This is a Christian nation."

George Washington established Thanksgiving as a national religious holiday.

"This great nation was founded ... by Christians" -Patrick Henry

"Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty ... of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers." First chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, John Jay

"It is impossible to rightly govern . . . without God & the Bible." -G. Washington.

And from the Christian Thomas Jefferson...
"That religion or the duty which we owe to our Creator, and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence; and, therefore, all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity towards each other."

I would hope that most would understand the undeniable truth that the United States of America was founded and existed as a Christian nation for most of the past 200 years. Also that things have crumbled since we lost that foundation...

From the Treaty of Tripoli (1796):

Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

There are many examples of courts trying to remake the laws of the USA. You have cited one.
From Wiki:

As President, on October 3, 1789, George Washington made the following proclamation and created the first Thanksgiving Day designated by the national government of the United States of America:

-and I'll let you go look up his speech if you feel incline to. But no it was in fact George Washington.

However, you are not entire wrong. Lincoln established the third Thursday of November, whereas Washington said the 26th of November. Other presidents celebrated at different times. Lincoln made it final, and how we celebrate God's goodness towards us, to this day.
Besides being a childishly fallacious syllogism it's wrong.

All historic socialisms were INvoluntary. But Jesus emphasized as did the entire Church that Jesus only accepted the voluntary

3 Then Peter said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? 4 Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your disposal?
Jesus Was A Socialist So The United States Is A Non-Christian Nation

the thread title says it all hey folks?
Jesus was neither a socialist nor a capitalist but Christians who fashioned the American government and nation around free market ideals proved that free market governments subjected to God are the best in the world.
Jesus was neither a socialist nor a capitalist but Christians who fashioned the American government and nation around free market ideals proved that free market governments subjected to God are the best in the world.
Free market economies are not attached to any silly god. I would suggest the opposite because it allows free enterprise without bloody religion guiding it.

You have no evidence that Jesus was anything political. In fact, because a plethora of items in the Bible are impossibilities and ridiculous, there's no valid reason to believe Jesus even existed.
I know you have no evidence and don't use the Bible as truth because I'll blow that away quickly.
So I got in touch with the Jefferson folks at Monticello and they say YOU ARE A FRAUD


  1. "I have recently been examining all the known superstitions of the world, and I do not find in our particular superstition one redeeming feature. They are all alike founded upon fables and mythologies."
  2. "I have recently been examining all the known superstitions of the world, and I do not find in our particular superstition [Christianity] one redeeming feature. They are all alike founded upon fables and mythologies."
  3. "I have examined all the known superstitions of the world, and I do not find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature. They are all alike founded on fables and mythology. Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned. What has been the effect of this coercion? To make one half the world fools and the other half hypocrites; to support roguery and error all over the earth."
Sources consulted: (searching on the words "superstitions," "fables," and "mythology"/"mythologies")

  1. Papers of Thomas Jefferson Digital Edition
  2. Thomas Jefferson Retirement Papers
  3. Thomas Jefferson: Papers and Biographies collections in Hathi Trust Digital Library
Earliest known appearance in print: 1883[1]

Earliest known appearance in print, attributed to Jefferson: See above.

Status: We have not found this quotation in any of Jefferson's known writings.

These are the experts on Jefferson's writings. I am not quite an expert but I know that he held a supremely good opinion of Jesus and Christianity.

in a letter written from Washington, to prominent Founder Dr. Benjamin Rush, on April 21, 1803, Jefferson explained:

Dear Sir, In some of the delightful conversations with you, in the evenings of 1798-99, and which served as an anodyne to the afflictions of the crisis through which our country was then laboring, the Christian religion was sometimes our topic; and I then promised you, that one day or other, I would give you my views of it. They are the result of a life of inquiry & reflection, and very different from that anti-Christian system imputed to me by those who know nothing of my opinions. To the corruptions of Christianity I am indeed opposed; but not to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself. I am a Christian, in the only sense he wished any one to be; sincerely attached to his doctrines, in preference to all others; ascribing to himself every human excellence; & believing he never claimed any other (1803, emp. added).
First of all, in any civilization ever you could voluntarily do what you had no choice in doing in a SOCIALIST state.
So if socialism rules out just sharing or giving up what you have a legal title to then every state that ever existed is socialist !!
But Socialism , real socialism, is not voluntary at all. Poster abuses words.