New Harris Poll shows Palin with 48% of the vote.

And Obama was Elected to reform the health care plan, and many wanted more reform then what we got even...

Obama was not elected because of his healthcare reform positions...unless the election in 2012 is solely about healthcare, which it won't be, Romney can overcome it in my opinion pretty easily.
Romney was out making speeches and doing events during Obama, but it was not news really because he is not an elected official.

Trump's entire "candidacy" seems like more of a joke right now than anything else....he is going to have to undergo some dramatic changes to really make a run at anything.

the list of republicans whos running or thinking about running, or faking that they are may run...has a pretty big list of jokes.
newt is dead, Palin dead, bachmann dead, Trump dead...all sad jokes but the republicans will keep them around still.

Republicans are going to fight it out on values church vote vs fiscal I don't see anyone that really can win both sides.

I see a Mitt/Huck platform as there best change...Mitt for buisness ideas, Huck to bring in values...and while I disagree with both, and find Huck wayyy to Religious for my tastes....both seem to be good guys and don't have the huge nut job baggage some others have....Though I see it as there best shot, I don't see the tea party going for it and thus it can't happen.
I have no complaints about Obama, he has been accomodating and bipartisan. If it were up to me, we would have single payer health ins, so the GOP was actually lucky. I would like to hear the specifics of the grand plan that would have supplanted the Obama programs and done a better job. The GOP just sat back and lobbed grenades. Ryan's plan is a non starter, and he's a hypocrite after voting for all those unfunded Bush programs, putting us in the situation we are in now.
Obama was not elected because of his healthcare reform positions...unless the election in 2012 is solely about healthcare, which it won't be, Romney can overcome it in my opinion pretty easily.

Health care is not going to keep Romney from winning the general election. The problem is getting the nomination. Having supported real health care reform seems to be a downer among the partisans, but those partisans wouldn't vote for a Democrat if their party were running Charlie Manson.

Then there's the (non IMO) issue of religion. The religious right has some really nutty ideas about Mormonism, and so getting their vote in the primary will be a problem. If he does get nominated, it shouldn't be so much of a problem in the general election.

So, the Republicans have a choice of running someone who has a snowball's chance of winning the general election, or choosing a viable candidate. My money is on them choosing the snowball, but that could be wrong. We'll see.
The Republicans could nominate Bachman. That would spread happiness among some of the voters, at least:

I have no complaints about Obama, he has been accomodating and bipartisan. If it were up to me, we would have single payer health ins, so the GOP was actually lucky. I would like to hear the specifics of the grand plan that would have supplanted the Obama programs and done a better job. The GOP just sat back and lobbed grenades. Ryan's plan is a non starter, and he's a hypocrite after voting for all those unfunded Bush programs, putting us in the situation we are in now.

Ryan's plan is a non starter, but it doesn't matter....Ryan's plan has put Democrats on the defensive in terms of the deficit, and has forced Democrats into at least some also remains the only meaningful solution to the deficit issue that has been proposed...President Obama's speech on issue was laughable for numerous reasons, which we can get into if you want.

Additionally, you say Ryan is a what? I can immediately think of three things that Obama has reversed himself on in the last month or so...

1) The debt ceiling
2) Libyian intervention
3) Use of signing statements

Does this mean any idea Obama has from now on is to be disregarded because he is a hypocrite? The claim is just absurd.
I can't tell you how it's going to happen but this is where the train is going:
1-Social security age limit will increase (prob. to 68)
2-Tax increases for the wealthy (prob. 400K+)
3-Medicare will reorganize, there will be some exclusions, but no vouchers
4-sometime after the 2012 election Obama will warm up to a balanced budget amendment
idea, but a rigid set of rules for estimating the budget will have to happen first
If he seems reticent about the current budget cuts, it is because if he gives an inch right now, the GOP will ask for the moon and nothing will be negociated
I can't tell you how it's going to happen but this is where the train is going:
1-Social security age limit will increase (prob. to 68)
2-Tax increases for the wealthy (prob. 400K+)
3-Medicare will reorganize, there will be some exclusions, but no vouchers
4-sometime after the 2012 election Obama will warm up to a balanced budget amendment
idea, but a rigid set of rules for estimating the budget will have to happen first
If he seems reticent about the current budget cuts, it is because if he gives an inch right now, the GOP will ask for the moon and nothing will be negociated

I could potentially see that...but I think a problem he is going to have is if he doesn't give anything before 2012, there is a strong possibility he won't win again...unless of course Republicans do something idiotic and nominate someone like Michelle Bachmann.
If you want to see Jobs and oil drilling in America you better choose Palin. Cause if Obama gets re-elected youll see this stupid health care law and gas $10.00 a gallion
If you want to see Jobs and oil drilling in America you better choose Palin. Cause if Obama gets re-elected youll see this stupid health care law and gas $10.00 a gallion
The administration let as least 3 deep water leases this month, and several more around the nation. Natural gas mining is at an all time high and growing. We have to create new industries to replace the ones the GOP sent to China so we can have better paying jobs-$8.50 per hour at MickeyD's ain't enough to pay the mortgage. It costs money to make money guys, like it or not. I know you want results now, but fast results is what got us in this situation, impatient investors and greedy traders and CEO's. You can blame the union teachers all you want, but hte money we squeeze out of them is a drop in the bucket to what the bankers stole in 2008
I could potentially see that...but I think a problem he is going to have is if he doesn't give anything before 2012, there is a strong possibility he won't win again...unless of course Republicans do something idiotic and nominate someone like Michelle Bachmann.

I love Michelle Bachmann, but she is not ready for the WH. But then, either was the skinny socialist.

The media was blowing BO before he won the Commie Party (dems) nomination. The R candidate will get nothing but destine and disrespect by the media.
The administration let as least 3 deep water leases this month, and several more around the nation. Natural gas mining is at an all time high and growing. We have to create new industries to replace the ones the GOP sent to China so we can have better paying jobs-$8.50 per hour at MickeyD's ain't enough to pay the mortgage. It costs money to make money guys, like it or not. I know you want results now, but fast results is what got us in this situation, impatient investors and greedy traders and CEO's. You can blame the union teachers all you want, but hte money we squeeze out of them is a drop in the bucket to what the bankers stole in 2008

Those "new leases" were just giving permission to resume projects that were halted after the spill....

The only new thing that has been approved is a single deepwater exploration plan, which is a precursor to actually drilling anything.

President Obama has dragged his feet on resuming normal Gulf operations, and it needs to start moving more quickly.
Maybe if the oil companies had their sh$% together, this wouldn't be an issue. Besides, no matter what is pulled out of the ground or where, it goes on the international market, and we buy it from there. Maybe we should keep the speculators from driving up the price of oil for no reason like they are know. If anything, Obama has let the leases too soon, they still haven't proven they can control the wells. If the GOP got their head outta their arses, we could have a new energy program by now.