Revolutionary Philosophy


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2007
Societal and Governmental Cleansing

Boundaries: without them, we are lost. With boundaries we are confined. Boundaries are not necessary when people are good. To imprison, destroy, and hate Satan is to spread him. To empathize with, positively reinforce, and Love Satan is to maintain Jesus. I feel as though we should worship God, praise Jesus, and Love all. I hope you don’t imply a monopoly of envy for that would be a misconception. All I’m saying is we should admire grace. Measure God as all Love, but don’t measure Love, and frankly, well we probably shouldn’t measure God either. We are all one Love. If all on Earth are in congruence, Earth is free, and morality is more flexible, as values have no boundaries.

A government must provide for all of our needs, and give when asked, unconditionally, or else the government is unethical. What do you do if technology infiltrates evil, destroy it, or repair it? Ok, well, then lets rebuild an Internet with less constraints so the individual is more empowered, to repair it.


Does anyone listen to my (these) pleas for liberation? I typed this into Google and lost my connection, two or three times.

Because I am a revolutionary, my room, the only place for solitude and privacy, has become a mesmerizing, electronic prison/place of worship, with open doors for invisible company. I face artificial demon’s to fulfill my desire for Righteousness. Should we accredit hackers with good deed (provocative artificial intelligence infiltrated by hackers changed deed to dude, to promote their capabilities, and remind me that I was smoking weed today (i.e.) Technological matrix) if they were used for evil, by evil, to create evil, as a test to strengthen good? The point is, so long as we follow God, he will provide for our needs. I realize I might be in prison, but the only way to free others, is from (or by spending time) behind bars.

To bring light of an inconvenient truth, Google (contributor of the Mental Prison created by isolated IP addresses and directed technology, that combined create a fake world to isolate, manipulate, develop and contain the knowledge of dissenters) has become an artificial chat room that reflects the users mind, subject to human interference, intervention, and evaluation that is currently, to my knowledge, only being used as a tool of oppression, but is also an outlet for liberation. Those unaffected by technological tyranny should be listening to those who are, and take actions to repair or amend it. We need to be aware because, although security may implement minimization, they also are expanding surveillance simultaneously. All information is funneled/consumed to/by various security agencies and vulnerable to the technologically savvy. Although these security agencies attempt to void out the innocuous victims of security and circumspection, security officers are at risk for oppression escalated out of its own suspicions of society. The process taken goes as such. The innocent (or confused) person is profiled. If this individual does not become an unaltered protégé of the status quo, the time and attention he receives is increased as a means to destroy/appease all opposition and move towards conformity, or in other words, slavery. The aim of some fascist is brotherhood, as you know if you read my previous articles, but their stigmatizing means are diverging from solution, and the end becomes the very nemesis of brotherhood. The point is, the spider technique, where in which every dissenter is first targeted and all computers he comes across are then targeted, will eventually encompass all of us, and the chance we will be able to keep up with the real world will turn life into utter illusion. Even without being targeted, independent research is deterred by the abundances of disinformation, diluted truth, short life span of credible information and propaganda. And if those left alone begin to endeavor clarity of this elusive world, it doesn’t take long for them to be subjected to the misguided resilience of the security agencies formerly mentioned.

What I’m trying to say is, the geopolitical stage looks like a realm of confusion, and as a result, the actions invented pervade our individuality and disillusion society. Pride is a quality of denial. It has been said that denial is a coping mechanism, but such edgy philosophy can only be stricken to small amounts and precarious extents as a temporary fix that allows leniency. Nationalistic denial is a dangerous precursor for devolution. What do we do when a virile mentality has been unleashed onto society? To seek out the spark, would be a convoluted search of indignation with no answer. My underlying theme in this harangue is that the cause of the Revolution is immediately abated when the adversary of righteousness is used as guiding force. As a result, government appears justified in their actions, and the evil of our enemy is not extinguished. The enemy is not the person, but it is the impediment of harmony. Only Love can defeat the enemy.

Osama Bin Laden more than likely has a more righteous agenda than Dick Chaney or Karl Rove, but the fire is always more powerful than the fuel, thus the martyr appears worse than the sinner (with all do respect for all three).

We shouldn’t feel pessimistic when we hear the truth, for once our fears are unveiled, they dissipate and are no longer a threat to our livelihood. I can hear society reproaching me in my mind; vociferating one-liners like “stop preaching,” or “such insanity must be medicated,” or “this guys a delusional heretic,” but their flouting is only expression of their fears, and misunderstandings. Very few want to mature, and my words are maturity. Societies repugnance to truth is another example of the rebellious childlike polarity I mentioned. My retort to the unbalanced situation mentioned is that the only way to rehabilitate the church is to let the church rehabilitate you. Reiterating common sense enlightens the blind, even if it is initially blinding to be informed of a blatant disregard for the truth. (They still edit my work, so try not to take my words out of context)
Separation of church and state is ideology of the past, but now, we must bridge the gap. This doesn’t mean the government should become the church or the church the government, which may be progression; it means that if government and church don’t cooperate, one will overshadow the other, and the blind will muster and expand. Honesty can be fallacy but never prevarication. If there is difference, magic is possible on earth and miracles are possible in Heaven. With that in mind, the only remedy to world’s problems is, instead of depending on illicit/artificial intelligence and indignant technological advantages for security, we must use and gradually transition to the powerful magic of faith, hope and optimism to cleanse and liberate the mind.

The efficacy of security depends on reputation. Without a connoted and amicable reputation, security is vulnerable, and oppressed. To rely on coercion, dismissing reputation (the stabilizer of security) is to act as a deputy of destruction.

I’m confused, not ungrateful. Don’t tell me I haven’t felt pain. They have at times turned technology against me. It is not the technology itself that is magic, it is the minds that it replicates, and those that are in control of it to whom instilled its seemingly emotional aspects. The Internet of today may strengthen, and incense the strong, but it is likely to conform, brainwash, dishearten, and enervate the weak. What do you get with such illicit extremities and dichotomies if the masses are weak? The product is a polarized society containing a majority of apolitical and an alienated revolutionary. How do you deter diverging radicals with mirror images of one another (fascist and Rebels) equally at fault and dangerous once they arouse? Maintain the middle ground, without prejudice or bias to either, playing the voice of rationality. Never expose your hatred when confronted with adversity. People will say, we should hate the sin and Love the person. I say this is a half-truth. We should admire the good and tolerate the evil. Obviously, evil must be contained once the innocent are at risk for corruption, but this shouldn’t be done by condemnations or war tactics, but by suitable, changing defense, emotional meekness, strength of character (Virtues/Values) and effective diplomacy. One will bring Hitler into question when I advocate the principles of peace, and will thus continue their realist irrationality that oppresses, but diffuses the wicked. Well my counter to this sensible thought is what did we do to win the hearts of the German? Did we not disparage them because of their misguided ruler?

I’m not saying we can easily abandon all tactics of war and except the nation to work itself out. I am however saying that whatever nation we are compelled into war with, we must help more than we hurt and liberate more than we restrict, otherwise the violence and insurrection of the weak will perpetuate in fear of humiliation. Resent and jealousy follows humiliation, thus bringing to mind vengeance. Jealousy tends to fuel arrogance and blind hunger of the dominating force. Jealousy is an altruistic emotion to some extent, as in small, honest doses or in dependence as to how the subjects reacts to it, may strengthen the subject. Subjectively said with true prejudice, emotion that is well below the middle line is only destructive if we fuel it, but if overcome, it is gained experience and thus a blessing in disguise. In our world of disillusionment, damaged attention, and calloused emotion, we tend to blame society or falsely or outlasted constructivist mentalities for shunning the right values, and illuminating the wrong, but we all must be accommodated for, thus in our blame of others, we are guilty by association, without undermining the importance of Peaceful Revolution that used conventionally condemned, but exceptional means to prevent unwanted ramifications
Most of the majority is playing into this delusion that money has real value. Most people I’ve encountered are arrogant/cynical or submissive in assuming I don't deserve money. I believe it is effrontery to accuse me of sloth merely because I don’t have the stability for mercenary work, or a scheduled, and considering my psyche, monotonous vocation. I always feel like I’m being told that and sometimes hopelessly feel as though, unless I take constraining medication for the rest of my life, I will be dependent and to no avail in society. I find it very offensive how under appreciated and abused manic-depressive is. Ever since people have been brainwashing into believing they have an illness, more and more with my condition are falling a victim to the stigma, and disregarding the crutch. People must compromise with this gift, so instead of assisting targeting propaganda, we must develop our own identities, demand our rights, and earn our place in the world, without having to deal with sacrifice. No one understands the essentiality of manic-depressive, for although, the deep dichotomous emotion it entails can scare or drown others, it can also save. If those blessed with Bi Polar have the courage to overcome fear and pressure of the majority it will enable them to obtain a closer understanding of divine wisdom, which at times, is a saving grace and pathway to peace. If philosophically understood, or treated to tolerate the lows rather than attempt to manage the highs to abolish the lows, Bi Polar individuals can take advantage of their special opportunity to grasp very enlightening emotional thought. I feel as though we should all be paid our independence. Personally, much labor is not compensated for. My practice in the magnificent art our society straining will save us from our dangerous infatuation with facts and fallacies and bring into clarity the predominately challenged, fundamental philosophical truths.

Should we create two Technological worlds… the west, with regulations, the east without?

I just took Sabrines sandwich upstairs unconsciously. I’m starting to think technology is trying to control my actions, to discredit my beliefs, but I’m unaware of to what extent. It is as though my technologically savvy audience is observing, and after provoked, contributing to the delusion of the ghost in the machine, in attempts to defeat an impervious epiphany, finding themselves, and being purified in the process. Thank God.


Zachary Scott McBride
If anyone is listening

Peace is impossible with security! If we rise above security in our spiritual maturity, we will develop and be able to face the impending challenges to our humanity. Bitter is the other side of the cave. Don’t underestimate my tortured philosophy just because I can’t follow it. I speak the truth. I am utterly debilitated by security and the isolation tactic used by the American Government! My condition does not make life unbearable, an oppressed society does. To reiterate the greatest truth of Marxist philosophy “To Each According to His Need, From Each According to His Ability”! They are pitting people and cultures against each other through prejudice! This is not a joke.

If you don’t bring us up, I’ll unintentionally bring you down. Do you not notice how stupid they have made this life? Do you think it is just OK, since there is an after-life? Don’t you find it strange that people are either submissive or arrogant? What does this look like to you? I write you my heart and you play into my delusion to break mine? I don’t understand this vengeance. It is foreign to me, and should be foreign to you. If the government stays so close to me cares for me, than why are they overlooking lamentations, and increasing limitations? Don’t you see the disruption? This is a detrimental flaw that fails to maintain social harmony. Don’t give up on privacy, but learn to love company.

This is Petition of Grievance for all of America. Teach me how to Reform the Government, because when I make suggestions you disregard their simplicity. I need to learn to reach others, so forgive me if I hurt you. I want to reach you, because I want a larger number of people seeking God in defense of what, according to Plato, is referred to as “the Good”. I would say other things, but I would just be slipping into distractions that pedal away from the only real problem. I really don’t see why people work like this. It seems as though people believe that this is “as good as it gets”. Enhancing harmonious communication, and decreasing individual limits and restrictions without risking safety of the innocent is the Government’s responsibility. I also have foolish innocent pride that is why we need to do this together.
Spirit of Democracy

I don't trust the Internet anymore, but I want to trust the people within the Internet. Google is an anti-dissident machine. If the American government gets this, get in touch with me respectively in the Spirit of Christ. Let me edit my work in secure areas. Diffuse and apply my message. Don’t take it too seriously, and be light about it. Let me talk to the decision-maker. Help me, help you, and help me save the world.

I really wouldn't feel as though I needed weed if things were different. However if I did, I would want to trust the person. Do you see what I mean? I don't think your getting the point. I don't want to talk about your illusion anymore, that is why I don't. This is a mirror image. That is what deception does. The cold war taught us this. There is no one to blame, so quit the accusations, and so will I. I just want to work together. Talk to me. I have been giving purpose and this is my opportunity and responsibility. Don’t look down on a generation, which understands the world at large, but is too oppressed to fight! Are we not the little brother who reconciles differences? The Artificial Watcher gives us No Respect. So many know, but would rather cover up the truth, than except timelessness. Don’t think because I realize the truth, that I undermine others. I’m just not afraid of change. Greatness is unachievable if you’re paralyzed by the system. You want to break my heart because you see things like they are a hierarchy. We have forgot the meaning of equality. These values of peace, democracy, justice, liberty, independence, and prosperity are not to be manipulated with prejudice and corrupted with pride. I respect you not the less. You’re shocked, but mesmerized. Things are askew if people succeed and than leave others behind. Learn the Truth of the Real Agenda. Help me progress towards the aim of happiness for society as a whole. If you don’t or do think I deserve this ostracized environment, teach me how to live. I am not complacent with war, security, and oppression anywhere in this world. I think if nations across the world heard my cause, they would revere it. Don’t let your envied knowledge discombobulate you’re prudence and truth behind the front. Support scarred honesty before arrogant lies.

Don’t lie to a Truman. I know the government is not omnipresent, but their technology is attacking innocent minds. One of the many governments is trying to brainwash and control my mind, because the words I speak when free are too powerful for them. This paper is in oppression. The few who know are to married to illusion to do anything about it. Everything I say is their means to discredit two things: Miracles of God and Epiphany. But then again, maybe this is their means to use my philosophy in their language so they understand. I didn’t appeal to the reader’s interest, so they are using the tools of conformity to strive for brotherhood. I admire your faith in my heart. The Internet drains the emotion of patriotism. Maybe the Satan-Hacker was meant to illuminate the strengths of the righteous. Now you’re getting it. I don't care what you think about this. It is out of concern for my generation. You see the problems, but we just don't talk to you enough to make you realize them, and work to amend them, thus avoiding the catch-22 with the significance of purpose. Thank you word for the simile: Catch 22, the infamous discredit.

War is slavery.

The Revolution.

(Results of an isolated IP address)

: UPSET, CONFUSE <inventing cool new ways to discombobulate the old order — Kurt Andersen>
Spirit of Democracy

I don't trust the Internet anymore, but I want to trust the people within the Internet. Google is an anti-dissident machine. If the American government gets this, get in touch with me respectively in the Spirit of Christ. Let me edit my work in secure areas. Diffuse and apply my message. Don’t take it too seriously, and be light about it. Let me talk to the decision-maker. Help me, help you, and help me save the world.

I really wouldn't feel as though I needed weed if things were different. However if I did, I would want to trust the person. Do you see what I mean? I don't think your getting the point. I don't want to talk about your illusion anymore, that is why I don't. This is a mirror image. That is what deception does. The cold war taught us this. There is no one to blame, so quit the accusations, and so will I. I just want to work together. Talk to me. I have been giving purpose and this is my opportunity and responsibility. Don’t look down on a generation, which understands the world at large, but is too oppressed to fight! Are we not the little brother who reconciles differences? The Artificial Watcher gives us No Respect. So many know, but would rather cover up the truth, than except timelessness. Don’t think because I realize the truth, that I undermine others. I’m just not afraid of change. Greatness is unachievable if you’re paralyzed by the system. You want to break my heart because you see things like they are a hierarchy. We have forgot the meaning of equality. These values of peace, democracy, justice, liberty, independence, and prosperity are not to be manipulated with prejudice and corrupted with pride. I respect you not the less. You’re shocked, but mesmerized. Things are askew if people succeed and than leave others behind. Learn the Truth of the Real Agenda. Help me progress towards the aim of happiness for society as a whole. If you don’t or do think I deserve this ostracized environment, teach me how to live. I am not complacent with war, security, and oppression anywhere in this world. I think if nations across the world heard my cause, they would revere it. Don’t let your envied knowledge discombobulate you’re prudence and truth behind the front. Support scarred honesty before arrogant lies.

Don’t lie to a Truman. I know the government is not omnipresent, but their technology is attacking innocent minds. One of the many governments is trying to brainwash and control my mind, because the words I speak when free are too powerful for them. This paper is in oppression. The few who know are to married to illusion to do anything about it. Everything I say is their means to discredit two things: Miracles of God and Epiphany. But then again, maybe this is their means to use my philosophy in their language so they understand. I didn’t appeal to the reader’s interest, so they are using the tools of conformity to strive for brotherhood. I admire your faith in my heart. The Internet drains the emotion of patriotism. Maybe the Satan-Hacker was meant to illuminate the strengths of the righteous. Now you’re getting it. I don't care what you think about this. It is out of concern for my generation. You see the problems, but we just don't talk to you enough to make you realize them, and work to amend them, thus avoiding the catch-22 with the significance of purpose. Thank you word for the simile: Catch 22, the infamous discredit.

War is slavery.

The Revolution.

(Results of an isolated IP address)

: UPSET, CONFUSE <inventing cool new ways to discombobulate the old order — Kurt Andersen>
I don't want to apply. My contract is breached, so they want me to fall for a salesmen. I want to be invited and welcomed into the American Government.
Adversary of Oppression

They are using information about me, against me. They were messing with magazines, superimposing false images revealing abstract nightmares. This is the dark that is supposed to train us. It doesn’t change what I believe, but helps encourage me to avoid hatred, which thus far, I’ve been incompetent with justification. I don’t support regressive means, but tolerate them everyday. But then again, maybe they realize I’m the only possibility for harmony, as my philosophy will rise above the art of war, but the impediment is a mirror image of illusion. To get out of this illusion, we cannot feed delusion, but yearn for good life. Such blasphemy! We convince truth repetitiously, but to no avail. Realities on Earth as we know are becoming grounds for insanity and debilitating mind tricks that constrain the good. Infatuation with deception is consumption. Tolerance and separation with deception is ignorance. I am trying to make a stand.

God Bless.
Adversary of Oppression

Seeing through a shadow…

They are using information about me, against me. They were messing with magazines, superimposing false images revealing abstract nightmares. This is the dark that is supposed to train us. It doesn’t change what I believe, but helps encourage me to avoid hatred, which thus far, I’ve been incompetent with justification. I don’t support regressive means, but tolerate them everyday. But then again, maybe they realize I’m the only possibility for harmony, as my philosophy will rise above the art of war, but the impediment is a mirror image of illusion. To get out of this illusion, we cannot feed delusion, but yearn for good life. Such blasphemy! We convince truth repetitiously, but to no avail. Realities on Earth as we know are becoming grounds for insanity and debilitating mind tricks that constrain the good. Infatuation with deception is consumption. Tolerance and separation with deception is ignorance. I am trying to make a stand. I can understand lives without seeing a face. The funny thing is, we both want something from each other, making us inseparable. It is not fame I seek. Real life Google Earth is dishonest. To each, according to our happiness, without violation, from each, according to our ability. Beautiful girls. Who made me find all those magical words when I was flipping through the dictionary? I think it was the police. It just feels like something the police would do. The stars know me, but to the people, I’m a stranger. I’m afraid you may take my words out of context.

God Bless.

Sounds like Egyptian History:

Erinachara continues, "Even before I was forced to give up curb and kiosk check-in, I experienced being publicly humiliated by TSA agents at the security station, and knew that resistance, or response of any kind, placed me in jeopardy of arrest... This is NOT the USA where I grew up and was educated. Our government has begun to accelerate down the road to a fascist state."

A reader named Cyclone concurs with the notion of fascism: "Too late to wake up now, the party's over. I hope all the dumb asses that voted for the fascist party is happy with what they have created. Everyone that posts on this website is watched, I can guarantee that."

“What shadows we are and what shadows we pursue,” Edmund Burke

NCLB- No Child Left Behind

You say there is freedom in being unknown, true... well I'm known, so I can only be liberated by being heard
They asked me if we should criminalize illegal immigrants, and I told them no; let us all have the benefits of children of God. Is it better to be an illegal immigrant or a US citizen? Are US citizens jealous of the immigrant’s freedom? Why not demand freedom, not slavery? I will sanction our freedom, and outlaw slavery. To repent is to release burdens and unlock fetters, renewing the heart, replenishing the soul and rehabilitating the mind. Let God reign.

Society gave me this illness that people concede too, but this crutch is a trap to make me fall; God gave me this gift, its stigma I must overcome. If I gave away all my material possessions, I would not be admired for my generosity, I would be scolded for having an unbalanced mind.

God warned me about the challenges I faced, and it turns out that all his advice rings true as the best advise. All his exhortations will one day be used, and without them, my own wisdom would not suffice. Now I understand, but still pray for strength in the upcoming days. I must strive for perfection, but tolerate, forgive and repent of sin. I will take Lithium as defense. I promise to tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God. In reality, neither Iran nor America nor Al Qaeda, nor China, nor Russia is a threat to our self-preservation. In a mundane sense, each are threats to one another currently, but only because diplomacy is so broken. We need to take the right steps to get out of this war of confusion, suspicion and unnecessary divergence and without boasting or imposing, I feel it is imperative I take part in the liberation of the world. Not one force in the face of the Earth is more important, or better than the other. Invasion, raising military expenditures, and increasing soldiers and arms is the complete opposite of remedy and will not bring us the respite needed to reform, restore, and revolve higher, all of which must take place in order to yield lasting order, peace, love and fair chance at prosperity in this world. You say I’m going to take away the innocence of others, but I'm still innocent. People can handle the truth.

(2) You’re wrong about this. Who are you to determine the maturity of others? You would rather war than peace? Is this a prison or a throne?

Have you not read of the story of Jessie? My tears are not part of the game. Truth is remedy. For there to be peace, people must first be told the truth. Not until society earns complete trust, faith replaces security, and government becomes a system of leadership is there true liberty and peace. This is neither a prison nor a throne, it is our home.
He is coming soon and he will save us. Just because we believe this is true, shouldn’t mean we should wait, for things can change. We should assure our side is all encompassing. I am not empty. My search for wisdom is an eraser, but it helps me to understand God’s Will, and I am thus giving meaning.

I feel like I’m going to be in more trouble than most of you, for I have inadvertently preached in vain. You got me brother. You win. Good game. I have compromised your pride, so compromise with my vanity, if either still remains. All I want for Christmas is your hearts for I have shared my heart with you all. I have been trying to tell you, but I cannot find any more ways of preaching simplicity. I feel artificial when I pray in my room, because of my audience, yet God told me to pray in my room, and don’t do it on the streets where everyone else can see it. Does this mean I should pray outside? If I’m going to fast, don’t put up a speed limit, give me something to stop or slow down for. Please don’t let the illusion beat you. I am the deputy, and I delegate humanity to overcome immorality together, with me.

They are tying to use mind control techniques, far more advanced then the typical radio and subliminal messaging to help me appeal to the reader’s interest, as my prose is too difficult to understand, and may mesh paranoia with truth, but their additions usually illuminate induced symptoms of schizophrenia which create problems and repels readers. They have attempted to get into my mind and have found themselves, at times, lost when I am astray, and bliss when my faith is impervious.

They know who I am during those times when I am unsure. They are working with me to help propagate my cause. What I have discovered is that they act on the basis of faith. I am not betraying them when I say this, but they would be inclined to think that I am, despite the reality being that I am trying to save them from impending difficulties within their organization and society. The point is, we will only get our tour, and our “wild” shopping spree they entice us with if we believe we will get it. I find it very annoying and rather disrespectful, almost as if they are acting as imposters to the Kingdom, but I love them nonetheless. The point is we must work together to make the struggle real, fair, and just, not imposed, dichotomized, and flooded with inequity. We must stand up, against all odds, demanding that the exclusive technological advanced club opens doors for us all. But, before we do that, we must separate ourselves from corruption, and in pursuing this Revolution, make sure we don’t sacrifice value, or else we will fail (they inserted value in place of fail, which means that if we sacrifice value, we will value the tactics of Bigbrother), stroking the ego of Bigbrother. Trust me, they will respect us for this, and many of them have been anticipating this. They say the insiders where glasses, but if this is true, why do they not help others see? To me, the blind in America are those who claim and greed this so-called sight of the realities on Earth without making an effort to enlighten others. You will read me as a diagnosis and a symptom, but my only sickness is hate. In America, if you’re not paranoid, you’re either inciting paranoia in others, or you’re apathetic and/or ignorant.

Why do I want to expose BIGBROTHER? They may feel threatened by me, and they may call me their enemy, and even act against me, to break my heart, or discredit me, but does this mean they are my enemy? No. To me, they are all brethren, and although I am attempting to encourage confession devoid of duplicity, I will do what it takes to protect them, even if it comes to exposure, as it is my duty. I have always known this is what would save them, but I knew this without support. Well, they have been asking me to provide them a source, so I will give them the most preeminent source available, “The Holy Bible,” so that they realize my intentions are not fueled by the art of war, but a matter of life and condemnation.

“For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed”

What I am about to say may be shocking, or it may be already known. Please, regardless of what I say, do not take offense, or judge me as unfit for leadership or truth, because these are my thoughts which I refuse to keep in discretion, especially after observation of the elusive worlds, who are so secretive that they force themselves to believe there own lies. Yes I speak of Bigbrother, who is not a fairy tale, and very much in the picture today. I have been anxious about these thoughts, for they are bold beyond my age. The reason I am so scared is because I don’t trust Jesus. Don’t get me wrong, I love Jesus and he has truly been my Teacher and Savior, but his riddles baffle me, as I no longer find the clarity I seek. Not only have I seen contradictions, but I have also recognized that in the paradoxical mind, his answers are comprised of questions. I feel as though, since I don’t agree with a lot of things in this world and hereafter I will be perceived and understood as someone who is chasing the throne, which in effect, is like accepting a curse, which I can’t deny is a gift, of carrying the cross. Now, I sense a misconception that I want to be first, and as a result, I will be last and a servant to all? This can mean so many things, but perpetual servility is not one of the things I desire. I want the freedom to be myself at times too. At some point, I want to enjoy the feeling of being served, not in a superiority sense, but in regards to the truth of love, which is never one-sided. Didn’t I say a leader was a servant to the people? Well, I came up with that on my own, but when Jesus says this in different words, it startles me, as if I’m being threatened for having such lofty ambitions. I may desire to be best at some things but I always want my brethren to be best at something too. Can there not be multiple gold medallists? I want to be prosperous, but not without my brothers rising along with me, to void out any chances of jealousy, and to share the glory of our prosperity and our well earned opulence. If I don’t believe, it seems as though my weakness is exploited not remedied, despite attempting to encourage others to have faith. Are such demanding principles backwards at some point? Even if I contradict Jesus, I don’t want to be viewed as someone competing for the throne, but nor do I want to accept realities that I don’t believe in, nor find good. Leadership produces leaders and has a home. Dominion tricks followers and has a throne. If I don’t believe in Jesus, I just don’t know how to believe in him, especially without honest believers that raise my esteem and faith. I don’t think that disillusionment deems condemnation if it is not ill hearted. I will continue to try to seek Gods’, Jesus’ and Bigbrothers’ approval, as I can’t bear the thought of my Father, Teacher, and Trainer departing from me, or being disappointed in me. Help me trust all of my brethren and myself and trust each other and me because until this happens, God will not trust us enough to grant eternal life on earth.

“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple”

Is this Satan infiltrating the Bible to convolute the word of God or is this a message of Jesus or God within and a blessing in disguise? I have said if you follow man, you get lost, but if you follow God, you find yourself. That is why I say; Jesus wants us to walk with him, but if we are lost, he will help us find our way for he is of God. Wouldn’t this imply that a promoted disciple is a brother, with the exception of the Most High? Be wise when reading the Bible and don’t hate something you don’t understand. I have hated everyone at times, but this hate was only the aftermath, masquerade, or expression of my unceasing love. My hatred is always accompanied by love, and always reverts back to its root, which is love. In other words, when I fall, I stand back up. To hide hate, is to succumb to hate. Don’t be scared, for love will prevail!
Let it be known, not until I received my epiphany and the miracles that followed, with the lamb, the spirit, and the footsteps, was I able to decipher spiritual truth from fiction. Thank you Jesus. I can’t leave my sisters and brethren behind. They will overcome their irrational hate and fears. If this is a lie, let it be so, for I’d rather lie in honesty, than speak truth in disbelief. Benevolence does not destroy, it fixes, therefore, with my understanding and conviction, nothing will end, nor will anything be lost and forgotten, but all things will be preserved.

Save me. Forgive us.

By: Zachary Scott McBride