Well-Known Member
Another day alone. I feel like it's the world versus me, but many know this emotion. What can I do. People don't aknowledge my struggle, but who am I too complain it there are others worse than me? Thought of killing myself? Sure, but I would never go to that extent. Bored with my social status, embarassed by my reputation, but nonetheless, I walk on, praying for change. Getting in shape, overcoming addiction, all necessary, but increasingly difficult when stricken to ignorance, living a world of sin. Difficult to rise with no friends, and even those who earned my friendship can't help me now. Can't force a smile when nothing makes me happy. I feel phony when I joke around, as if I'm overlooking all the things that we are facing in a world where the majority are foreigners. A light complexion doesn't help me, no matter what the people say. I'm lonely. My lack of self-esteem ruins me when I seek out my soul-mate. No matter what I say, I'm left alone. Depressed, bored with TV, frustrated, and as time goes on, the more I look past addiction, the more aggressive and mad at the world I become. Is this aggression required? Maybe so. Whatever it takes. I can no longer take this state of lonliness. My experiences formerely spoken of have been already forgotten, so it seems. No one has looked into their significance, so it is almost as if it didn't happen, since, like much of my experiences, I was alone.
Sprits have used my body, making their presence known both in action, and in mind. I do not understand whether this was for the purpose of my protection, their ammusement, or mere experimentation (control of body and mind) where in which the supernatural wasn't involved. Regardless, I'm confused, and wonder whether I will ever know the true meaning behind these nebulous invasions.
I still don't tell my visions, as loyalty is a value of mine.
Sprits have used my body, making their presence known both in action, and in mind. I do not understand whether this was for the purpose of my protection, their ammusement, or mere experimentation (control of body and mind) where in which the supernatural wasn't involved. Regardless, I'm confused, and wonder whether I will ever know the true meaning behind these nebulous invasions.
I still don't tell my visions, as loyalty is a value of mine.