We're not brainwashed per se. It's society working as it always has. Chinese women stuffing their feet into pairs of size 1 nike infant shoes for the "small deformed foot" cultural fetish. Those odd neck ring folks who like to elongated their necks like an armored crane. Culture definitely directs what beauty is to a culture member. However there are many more aspects to what each person personally finds attractive. You have your cultural steered aspect, you have your genetic aspect, and you have other aspects I can't exactly put my finger on. Genetically we're programmed to find people attractive who have certain size/shape/location in the facial features. The unknown aspects are what steer people to choose different specifics, I have no idea why a man would find a girl with a huge butt more attractive or less attractive than one with a skinny rear. I mean I know what I find attractive, but have no answer for why, I don't believe it to be cultural cos a lot of my friends find certain aspects I find attractive absolutely unattractive. I suppose also attraction incorporates the emotional state of the individual who is attracted. I know that I've seen plain girls become beautiful in my eyes after getting to know them as friends for a while. I know that I've found girls who dress a certain way attractive due to the behavior that the state of dress implies. There are way too many aspects to simply be so simple as saying Blue and Blonde is beatiful or that culture has programmed me in any way.