palin in 2012!!!

Putting Palin on the ticket would be nothing more than handing obama 4 more years.

She seems like a great person and good representative for her people, but she is NOT Presidential material!

Arnold can't run. It's such a joke too because he is MUCH, MUCH, MUCH safer than obama! It's because he was not born here.
Yeah! Palin in 2012.

I'd like the win for democrats to be hella easier next time.

Hope you moles put her on the ticket for sure!

See Sihouette I told you that the Party would come together. Hillary did a great job supporting our nominee and Bill came on real strong in the end... he really helped BIG in Florida.

And also like I said there was no late breaking nonsense about totally fabricated stories.

The main thing now is for President-elect Obama to be seen as working so hard at addressing the overall quagmire he'll inherit from Bush that we can really have a shot at a Democratic President after his two terms.

This is a HUGE game changing time.