Mr. Shaman

Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
"First I was surprised when the BBC correpondent declared the debate a draw. If this was a draw, then victory is found in the grey area. The real difference between this Hockey mom and a PitBull is that she was unsure of herself as the debate picked up steam and her flaws in both foreign and domestic policies were clearly apparent. She was more rhetorical, emotiona and untypical of the Republican attack machinery. She showed neither mastery of facts nor oratory eloquence. She was simply sheepish." - Cho, Oslo


"It was clear from the very first moment Palin opened her mouth that she is entirely ill equipped to do the job she aspires to.

She has zero knowledge of any subject outside of hockey, and this was patently obvious from last nights debate, she didn't responded to any question appropriately.

She is clearly way way way out of her depth.

You need someone intelligent, articulate and knowledgable to run your country. Palin has none of these qualities." - Jon, UK


"My professor in Kings College once said, "You can teach a monkey to perform a simple surgery, but you cannot teach a monkey how to correct a problem if the surgery goes wrong".

That is exactly what happened today. Sarah Palin was coached very well, and she managed to recite everything almost to the letter, but imagine if something goes wrong and she is called upon to correct a major problem. I just can't imagine anymore, because it would be like watching an ape going wild with a scalpel!" - Dr Joseph Lam, Hong Kong


"That John McCain chose such an inexperienced, unsuitable person to be vice president just shows how incompetent and lacking in judgement he would be as a president." - [antihypocrite], Winterthur, Switzerland


"No great suprise that Uncle John didn't let his performing Barbie Doll speak without a script, nor that the moderator had been essentially bullied into giving her an easy ride before the debate even took place.

To America: Are you REALLY so stupid as a nation that you'll vote for a ticket with Palin on it? I mean REALLY?

Please, for the rest of the world as well as for your own sake, don't do it! Even if you don't like Obama/Bidden, they're worth voting for just to prevent McCain/Palin!" - [Custador], Cardiff, United Kingdom


"Send Palin back to Alaska. She needs to defend America from the Russians whilst using moose for target practice.... Whatever you do, don't let her loose in Washington.

The woman is clueless, please don't inflict her on the rest of the world!" - [marie_g], Canberra, Australia


(Plenty-more, where THESE come-from!)
Your post is so ridiculous it’s really not worth replying to except that I do have one question. I am wondering why you posted quotes of what a communist and socialists from other countries think of Sarah Palin? We already know the communists and socialists around the world are obama worshipers like the obama worshipers here in the states.
Ah but I am sure this will be considered a fair and balanced thread according to those liberals who thought the ONE thread made by ANY conservatives about the last Presidential debate.
Your post is so ridiculous it’s really not worth replying to except that I do have one question. I am wondering why you posted quotes of what a communist and socialists from other countries think of Sarah Palin? We already know the communists and socialists around the world are obama worshipers like the obama worshipers here in the states.
You desperation is showing. :cool:

"Did anyone hear her say "Doggone it Joe!" before one of her answers? I heard the audience groan at the shear "aw shucks Pa" faux sincerity of it.

All she missed saying was "Dang nabbit Muskie! He's fallen in the creek mud" a la Deputy Dawg.

What a horror story it would be if she ever got to be President.

Small town values? Closed mind values is nearer the mark.

I guess what is frightening is not her lack understanding of issues, but her complete lack of interest in even knowing.them." - Steven, FL

Could you just answer the question ? Why do you think Americans need be concerned with what socialists and communits around the world think of our election?
Gee.....I don't know....because they don't like to be lied-to, any more than WE do??? :rolleyes:

Some on the right call you the new Jane Fonda, and joke about what you'll call your exercise video.

"Those on the right who say that disgrace the 12 years of service I gave to my country as a Marine. I love my country. I'll put my record of service up against anyone, bar none. If they want to have an exercise video then why don't they come here and say it to my face and I'll give'm an exercise video, which will be called, "Scott Ritter Kicking Their Ass."
Joe Biden was counter punching through out the entire night. Sarah kick some serious Ass last night....
Your post is so ridiculous it’s really not worth replying to except that I do have one question. I am wondering why you posted quotes of what a communist and socialists from other countries think of Sarah Palin? We already know the communists and socialists around the world are obama worshipers like the obama worshipers here in the states.

sure cry commies now to the UK and Aussies, becuse you dont like what they say, but fact is they where correct, she does not seem to know anything outside of a cue card she can read, and Hockey mom.
The coffin dodger and the beauty queen are toast.

Anyone who thinks them a fitting double act to run the USA must be interbred.
"First I was surprised when the BBC correpondent declared the debate a draw.

Well, it's good to see that you're consistant. You lie in your posts just like you do in your sig line.

Also, who really gives a darn what the Socialist world "thinks" about our candidates or our election? When the rest of the world starts carrying their own darn weight instead of laying on our leg, THEN and only then will I begin to care what they allegedly "think", but as it stands right now, they need to shut up, hide in the bushes and watch.
Yeah, everyone's a socialist.

Well Bush is, he is redistributing wealth to the bankers.

Is that waht you mean?
Stuck now aren't you?

Your republican hero caught redistributing wealth.

Mind you to be fair, he is taking from the poor to give to the rich which was never the actual idea of socialism but it is still following principles.

Robin Bush, Robin Bush with his band of mates
Robin Bush, Robin Bush riding roughshod over the states
Steals from the poor
Gives to the rich
Robin *****
Robin *****
Robin *****