a question for the atheists

OK, let's try this: All conservatives want small government, don't believe in global warming, and are Christians. I would accept that Confucius believed the first two, but I sure he wasn't aware of the third. :)
Oh I think he was aware of it..but I think your right he was not a believer..but as you know being a Christian does not make you Consevative
I never said I didn't believe global warming.. just the true cause...and sorry about the double post..I srew up somtimes trying to get fancy..
Not all conservatives cling to the past..Ronald Reagan famously observed that the stas quo is Latin for "the mess we'er in"..So much for the claim that Conservatives are simply the defenders of the stas quo..I'm not sure we have had a real conservative sense...

Libs and Ds think conservatives cling to and want a return of some time in the past. This is because they really have no understanding of what conservatism is. But that never prevents them to believing they do.

As a conservative/libertarian I find that for at least the past 100 years of our nation's history, we have been infected with progressive and elitist policies. So, I want nothing to do with the past 100 years and if you include the horror that was the Lincoln presidency and the War of Northern Aggression, I want nothing to do with that either.

What we need is a free market capitalist society governed by the rule of law, not by the ruling elite, as we have today. This society must necessarily have a very small central government with complete sovereignty granted to the 50 states (meaning secession is a state's right). While the Constitution is great, it has proven incapable of controlling the evil desires of evil men for power and wealth. Just as the Founders knew. As such, the powers granted to the central government must be few and clearly outlined. Elimination of the Federal Reserve must occur and term limits imposed on Congress. The powers of the executive branch must be greatly curtailed. And Congress must be subject to all laws they pass.
I never said I didn't believe global warming.. just the true cause...and sorry about the double post..I srew up somtimes trying to get fancy..
I was being dogmatic about global warming being a defining characteristic of a conservative. And, Confucius predated Christianity by a few centuries, so he most likely wasn't aware of that future religion. I guess when you try too hard at humor, it fails.
funny how Pravda does more truth telling than the American MSM....

Global warming, the tool of the West


By Stanislav Mishin
For years, the Elites of the West have cranked up the myth of Man Made Global Warming as a means first and foremost to control the lives and behaviors of their populations. Knowing full well that their produce in China and sell in the West model and its consequent spiral downward in wages and thus standards of living, was unsustainable, the elites moved to use this new "science" to guilt trip and scare monger their populations into smaller and more conservatives forms of living. In other words, they coasted them into the poverty that the greed and treason of those said same elites was already creating in their native lands.
What better way to staunch protests at worsening economic and life conditions than to make it feel like an honourable job/duty of the people to save "Gia". At the same time, they used this "science" as new pagan religion to further push out the Christianity they hate and despise and most of all, fear? Gia worship, the earth "mother", has been pushed in popular culture oozing out of the West for a better part of the past 1.5 decades. This is a religion replete with an army of priests, called Government Grant Scientists.
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Various groups have fought back. This is including Russian hackers, who published a huge database of UK government, scientific and university emails depicting the fixing of data to sell Global Warming, er Climate Change (as if it never changed on its own). And while taking hit after hit, the beast, like Al Qaida, will not die. As a matter of fact, the beast is on a steady come back, as it is quite useful during the down times recession. The US alone spends $7 billion each year on warming "studies", which is, in truth, nothing but a huge money laundering operation, as no real science is conducted and vapid alarmist reports the only product generated.
Amongst the newest claims of pending disasters, is a cry that icepacks are now melting at three times the rate of the 1990s, even though there has not been any significant warming in the past 20 years. Greenland's icepack melt off, has been linked to volcanic activity under the ice, heating it. Must be the magmamen and their SUVs. These facts, however, do not faze the Gia crowd and their Elite/Governmental backers. The fact that a super storm hit the NE US is also being played as evidence of GW. Thank God that before GW no such things ever happened. How are they to explain that Russia and Eastern Europe are projected to have the coldest winter in 20 years? Oh, but I doubt my Western readers are even aware of that.

I was being dogmatic about global warming being a defining characteristic of a conservative. And, Confucius predated Christianity by a few centuries, so he most likely wasn't aware of that future religion. I guess when you try too hard at humor, it fails.
I should have said , I believe he was aware of GOD...
Please read the post at https://www.houseofpolitics.com/threads/a-question-for-the-atheists.16314/page-12#post-206983. You'll see that your comments are irrelevant to the debate of this subject. Of course the founders disagreed on various aspects of the Constitution when it's creation was in process. Such disagreement was encouraged in order to determine its best and final form. The relevant potion of the post linked above is: "We Conservatives here have taken the exact position that Washington himself expressed in both of his above quotes! We Conservatives have never argued that the Constitution is “perfect”. We have argued, and rightfully so, that when any part of our Constitution is determined to be “imperfect”, the change MUST be implemented legally via the Amendment process. If you recall your history, you know that slavery was Constitutional at the time it was adopted. Future generations didn't appoint a Justice who RULED that slavery was un-Constitutional. We fought a Civil War, and in accordance with our Constitutional law, we then AMENDED the Constitution to prohibit slavery!" Disagreements among the founders became moot upon adoption of our Constitution. Understand now?

WHAT? Please provide examples of "Free-Mason Law" that were included within the Constitution. IF you can find any, explain WHY the inclusion was a bad idea!

I love it when people discard ALL of those beliefs in attempt to discredit the Constitution simply because disagreements occurred during its writing. Once the final form of the Constitution was approved, earlier disagreements among the founders become moot.

Your position seems to be that because the founders disagreed on some things, the Constitution they approved should be ignored?? IF you think that another source should be used for our Nation's laws, please tell us WHAT that source is, and justify WHY you believe so!

make up your mind. do you want the constituion or what Washington said...do you even know what your talking about? How many times does the word Christian or Jesus show up in the bill of rights or constituion? hint its less then 1 and more then negitive 1. You talk about what Washionton said ...well guess what he is not a God..not all things must be based on what he did . ...Also I have to say I was not aware that we fought the civle war in accordance with our consituion...I seem to recall some of of it getting tossed out in that skirmish. Also yes we Amended the Constituion...because the Founding fathers screwed up. But you now you sound like they where perfect...and me must do what Washington would do ( according only to your view of him, not anyone else's )
make up your mind. do you want the constituion or what Washington said...do you even know what your talking about?

I have made up my mind. Unlike some folks, when I don't know what I'm taking about, I keep my mouth shut, or I ask questions so I will understand. I said that the Constitution is the sole basis for our laws! Washington may have disagreed with some items in the Constitution, and he eloquently expressed his misgivings while the Constitution's content was being debated. Once the Constitution was approved, Washington expressed his opinion too; i.e., that the Constitution is the basis of our Republic, and if we later wish to change it, we MUST do so via the approved Amendment process. Washington and I may agree and disagree on specific items in the Constitution. Nevertheless, we're in 100% Agreement that our Constitution and it's Amendments are the sole basis of American Law! George and I both agree that it's the intent of the Constitution that rules, not his nor my personal opinions!.... nor your's for that matter. Get it now??

How many times does the word Christian or Jesus show up in the bill of rights or constituion? hint its less then 1 and more then negitive 1. You talk about what Washionton said ...well guess what he is not a God..not all things must be based on what he did.

Rather than throwing out a lot of words that lead to NO meaningful conclusion, perhaps you should state your philosophical point? You're making points that are irrelevent to my earlier response to you. Allow me to educate you.

The name "Jesus" and the term "Christian" appears nowhere in the Constitution. The Constitution itself forbids the establishment of a National religion, so it would have been contradictory to the Constitution itself had Jesus or Christianity been mentioned! When one looks at the philosophies of those founders upon whose principles our Constitution was based, you will then see what those founding pillars were, the pillars being "morality" and "religion" as understood in the Judeo-Christian lexicon. A few examples follow:

Continental Congress, 1778: "Whereas true religion and good morals are the only solid foundations of public liberty and happiness . . it is hereby earnestly recommended to the several States to take the most effectual measures for the encouragement thereof."

George Washington (President of the Constitutional Convention): "Religion and morality are the essential pillars of civil society."

John Adams (Signer of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution): "We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

Gouverneur Morris (Penman and Signer of the Constitution): "For avoiding the extremes of despotism or anarchy . . . the only ground of hope must be on the morals of the people. I believe that religion is the only solid base of morals, and that morals are the only possible support of free governments. Therefore education should teach the precepts of religion and the duties of man towards God."

Fisher Ames(author of the final wording for the First Amendment): "Why should not the Bible regain the place it once held as a school book? Its morals are pure, its examples captivating and noble. The reverence for the Sacred Book that is thus early impressed lasts long; and probably if not impressed in infancy, never takes firm hold of the mind."

Get it now? If not, I can provide MANY additional examples.

Also I have to say I was not aware that we fought the civle war in accordance with our consituion...I seem to recall some of of it getting tossed out in that skirmish.

You're correct in your assertion! Many Conservative, Constitutional scholars agree with you, as do I. It's very arguable that most of our founders would have supported a States' Right to secession. During the Civil War, Linclon abolished habeas corpus, a serious breach of Constitutional and Common law that was later struck-down. My point was and remains: Even after the Union victory, when slaves might have been Unconstitutionally freed by Executive Decree, the government used the prescribed process, and Amended the Constitution!

However, in using your example of Unconstitutional actions by our Government, you've made my point. If we don't use "Original Intent" to interpret our Constitution, then any leader or Court Justice can rule anything they want to be Constitutional, as was done on occasion from 1860-1865!

Also yes we Amended the Constituion...because the Founding fathers screwed up. But you now you sound like they where perfect...and me must do what Washington would do ( according only to your view of him, not anyone else's )
I never said the founders were perfect! I do believe that our Constitution and the Amendment process prescribed therein is the greatest ever written. That aside, if your only point is to tell us that our original Constitution and our founders were imperfect, you've made no point at all. Most everyone here would agree with you about that. If you want to make a relevant point, tell us WHO or WHAT should be the basis of American Law!!!
I have made up my mind. Unlike some folks, when I don't know what I'm taking about, I keep my mouth shut, or I ask questions so I will understand. I said that the Constitution is the sole basis for our laws! Washington may have disagreed with some items in the Constitution, and he eloquently expressed his misgivings while the Constitution's content was being debated. Once the Constitution was approved, Washington expressed his opinion too; i.e., that the Constitution is the basis of our Republic, and if we later wish to change it, we MUST do so via the approved Amendment process. Washington and I may agree and disagree on specific items in the Constitution. Nevertheless, we're in 100% Agreement that our Constitution and it's Amendments are the sole basis of American Law! George and I both agree that it's the intent of the Constitution that rules, not his nor my personal opinions!.... nor your's for that matter. Get it now??

Rather than throwing out a lot of words that lead to NO meaningful conclusion, perhaps you should state your philosophical point? You're making points that are irrelevent to my earlier response to you. Allow me to educate you.

The name "Jesus" and the term "Christian" appears nowhere in the Constitution. The Constitution itself forbids the establishment of a National religion, so it would have been contradictory to the Constitution itself had Jesus or Christianity been mentioned! When one looks at the philosophies of those founders upon whose principles our Constitution was based, you will then see what those founding pillars were, the pillars being "morality" and "religion" as understood in the Judeo-Christian lexicon. A few examples follow:

Continental Congress, 1778: "Whereas true religion and good morals are the only solid foundations of public liberty and happiness . . it is hereby earnestly recommended to the several States to take the most effectual measures for the encouragement thereof."

George Washington (President of the Constitutional Convention): "Religion and morality are the essential pillars of civil society."

John Adams (Signer of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution): "We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

Gouverneur Morris (Penman and Signer of the Constitution): "For avoiding the extremes of despotism or anarchy . . . the only ground of hope must be on the morals of the people. I believe that religion is the only solid base of morals, and that morals are the only possible support of free governments. Therefore education should teach the precepts of religion and the duties of man towards God."

Fisher Ames(author of the final wording for the First Amendment): "Why should not the Bible regain the place it once held as a school book? Its morals are pure, its examples captivating and noble. The reverence for the Sacred Book that is thus early impressed lasts long; and probably if not impressed in infancy, never takes firm hold of the mind."

Get it now? If not, I can provide MANY additional examples.

You're correct in your assertion! Many Conservative, Constitutional scholars agree with you, as do I. It's very arguable that most of our founders would have supported a States' Right to secession. During the Civil War, Linclon abolished habeas corpus, a serious breach of Constitutional and Common law that was later struck-down. My point was and remains: Even after the Union victory, when slaves might have been Unconstitutionally freed by Executive Decree, the government used the prescribed process, and Amended the Constitution!

However, in using your example of Unconstitutional actions by our Government, you've made my point. If we don't use "Original Intent" to interpret our Constitution, then any leader or Court Justice can rule anything they want to be Constitutional, as was done on occasion from 1860-1865!

I never said the founders were perfect! I do believe that our Constitution and the Amendment process prescribed therein is the greatest ever written. That aside, if your only point is to tell us that our original Constitution and our founders were imperfect, you've made no point at all. Most everyone here would agree with you about that. If you want to make a relevant point, tell us WHO or WHAT should be the basis of American Law!!!

I agree with much of what you state. Going a step further I believe the Constitution is now irrelevant. This is due to the fact that the checks and balances intended by the Founders in the Constitution have been subverted. The three branches of government essentially work together to further the goals of the elites and the state, not to prevent unconstitutional actions (see Obamacare SC ruling). Secondly the American press has also been subverted and is now held firmly in control by the elites. Thirdly, the Founders never envisioned American politicians would ignore their oath to abide by the Constitution. They told us we must have politicians who are ethical and honest...how they could think politicians would be so, is beyond me. They never envisioned politicians committing all kinds of unconstitutional actions (as many of our presidents have done and continue to do). The political class is corrupt because those who seek office for the most part, and BO is perfect example, are corrupt and dishonest people, which the corrupt media refuses to out.

Now that our government and political system has become completely corrupted from within, we are no longer a nation of laws in a free market capitalist nation based on individual liberty. We are now a Kleptocracy with lots of socialism and fascism thrown in. Sadly most Americans do see this.
I agree with much of what you state. Going a step further I believe the Constitution is now irrelevant. This is due to the fact that the checks and balances intended by the Founders in the Constitution have been subverted. The three branches of government essentially work together to further the goals of the elites and the state, not to prevent unconstitutional actions (see Obamacare SC ruling). Secondly the American press has also been subverted and is now held firmly in control by the elites. Thirdly, the Founders never envisioned American politicians would ignore their oath to abide by the Constitution. They told us we must have politicians who are ethical and honest...how they could think politicians would be so, is beyond me. They never envisioned politicians committing all kinds of unconstitutional actions (as many of our presidents have done and continue to do). The political class is corrupt because those who seek office for the most part, and BO is perfect example, are corrupt and dishonest people, which the corrupt media refuses to out.

Now that our government and political system has become completely corrupted from within, we are no longer a nation of laws in a free market capitalist nation based on individual liberty. We are now a Kleptocracy with lots of socialism and fascism thrown in. Sadly most Americans do see this.

You're right, Gip! Nevertheless, I urge you to maintain faith in our Constitution and your vocal and actional support of it. We must never accept it as "irrelevant". "Silence" and "Inaction" against wrongful actions infers our approval of those actions.

There's a near-term issue that may well arise which would demand our faith in the Constitution, and would demand our actions in support of it. We're hearing now that Obama may impose some gun-control "laws" using Executive Order. Executive Orders have been issued by both Democrat and Republican Presidents, and have usually (but not universally) been upheld in our courts. The difference between most of those prior Executive Orders and the potential Order by Obama is this:

NO Executive Order is lawful if it exceeds the Constitutionally-authorized powers of the Executive!! If Obama was allowed to do so, and if his action was later upheld by the Supreme Court, an Executive Order outlawing media criticism of the President could be issued and upheld as well. I urge all gun-owning members here to disobey any unConstitutional Executive Order issued by this President or by any other President, regardless of party!
You're right, Gip! Nevertheless, I urge you to maintain faith in our Constitution and your vocal and actional support of it. We must never accept it as "irrelevant". "Silence" and "Inaction" against wrongful actions infers our approval of those actions.

There's a near-term issue that may well arise which would demand our faith in the Constitution, and would demand our actions in support of it. We're hearing now that Obama may impose some gun-control "laws" using Executive Order. Executive Orders have been issued by both Democrat and Republican Presidents, and have usually (but not universally) been upheld in our courts. The difference between most of those prior Executive Orders and the potential Order by Obama is this:

NO Executive Order is lawful if it exceeds the Constitutionally-authorized powers of the Executive!! If Obama was allowed to do so, and if his action was later upheld by the Supreme Court, an Executive Order outlawing media criticism of the President could be issued and upheld as well. I urge all gun-owning members here to disobey any unConstitutional Executive Order issued by this President or by any other President, regardless of party!

The Constitution is one of the greatest documents ever written, but it is no match for unethical, demagogic, and lying power hunger statist politicians. Someone great said the worst raise to the top in democracies. It is an accurate description of our political class and without question applies to our president and many past presidents.

I wish I could be optimistic about our nation's future, but I am not.
You guys talk like the constitution is a bible

Wait a minute, what you mean a fallible document written a long time ago and that people interpret to suit and justify their vicious world view?


Good job only crotchety old bastards think like you guys and it won't be too long until you are all dead