J6 insurrection.

Boris Norris

Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2022
Firstly, there are some on here that refuse to call it for what it was. There is no doubt Trump orchestrated it and supported.

That aside. There are republicans who supported it not because of anything but they were in love with Trump. Thats it. How can anyone support that attempted coup?

But move on. Let's say the idiots succeeded in not allowing the process take its course. Contemplate the consequences.

There was no doubt given the opportunity they would have killed pence and pelosi. Now would you call it an insurrection?

The democratic process was demolished and the certification of Biden didn't happen according to the constitution. Is it a violent insurrection now?

Trump immediately resumes control because he can. Lets say he establishes military rule. Is it an insurrection now?

He completely ignores all protocol and the constitution and declares he is the potus, regardless of the riot. Are you warming to calling it an insurrection yet?

Most Americans swear by the constitution and protect it at all costs. But here we have a blatant violation of it and not a single republican speaks out against it because it is their leader who did it.
Some would trash it rather than lose power in the wh. Thats a fact and can be proven by their own actions.

How can you rabid right republicans justify any of the above to simply have YOUR potus there and ignore the constitution you all swear by?
Where do your loyalties lie? Certainly not America but then you belch how Biden is destroying the country but support an insurrection to destroy democracy.

Where is the logic in that position? Why won't you accept Trump lost after the enquiries and failures. Biden is sworn in and continues on but blockhead republicans still bellow about stolen elections.

None of your positions make any sense. It shows in its entirety you would rather sacrifice the country to stop democrats. What a ignorant squalid lot of opportunists you are.
Firstly, there are some on here that refuse to call it for what it was. There is no doubt Trump orchestrated it and supported.

That aside. There are republicans who supported it not because of anything but they were in love with Trump. Thats it. How can anyone support that attempted coup?

But move on. Let's say the idiots succeeded in not allowing the process take its course. Contemplate the consequences.

There was no doubt given the opportunity they would have killed pence and pelosi. Now would you call it an insurrection?

The democratic process was demolished and the certification of Biden didn't happen according to the constitution. Is it a violent insurrection now?

Trump immediately resumes control because he can. Lets say he establishes military rule. Is it an insurrection now?

He completely ignores all protocol and the constitution and declares he is the potus, regardless of the riot. Are you warming to calling it an insurrection yet?

Most Americans swear by the constitution and protect it at all costs. But here we have a blatant violation of it and not a single republican speaks out against it because it is their leader who did it.
Some would trash it rather than lose power in the wh. Thats a fact and can be proven by their own actions.

How can you rabid right republicans justify any of the above to simply have YOUR potus there and ignore the constitution you all swear by?
Where do your loyalties lie? Certainly not America but then you belch how Biden is destroying the country but support an insurrection to destroy democracy.

Where is the logic in that position? Why won't you accept Trump lost after the enquiries and failures. Biden is sworn in and continues on but blockhead republicans still bellow about stolen elections.

None of your positions make any sense. It shows in its entirety you would rather sacrifice the country to stop democrats. What a ignorant squalid lot of opportunists you are.
Stealing the 2020 election by anti-American fascists was wicked insurrection.
The fascist coup was performed by Trump. You do remember what happened?

Biden did nothing and is not facing charges for it like Trump. Try to keep up please.
Lying leftists claim they did not steal the 2020 election but unanswered evidence to the contrary tells a different story.
Nope judges laughing at your evidence tells the true story
Judges who decided voting fraud cases based on assumptions that voting fraud was minimal are incompetent. No judge should decide cases on assumptions that have not been proven.
Where Team Trump failed in court-- and it was EVERY TIME -- was when they were ordered to present their evidence of claims of fraud. Each time they retracted those claims, or dropped the suits entirely.

That is definitive.
Judges who decided voting fraud cases based on assumptions that voting fraud was minimal are incompetent. No judge should decide cases on assumptions that have not been proven.
Exactly. It was never proven because of lack of evidence. Don't bother belching more of your so called evidence be abuse you've got nothing.