The Alaska and Sarah Divorce

AS usual BUNZ does not list specifics concering the very smart and politically talented GOV. Sarah Palin. Instead he condems her never giving facts. SAD!!

He doesnt appear to be a fan. If he thinks she's stupid or inarticulate he's listenting to the MSM and not her.
Originally Posted by always
AS usual BUNZ does not list specifics concering the very smart and politically talented GOV. Sarah Palin. Instead he condems her never giving facts. SAD!!
He doesnt appear to be a fan. If he thinks she's stupid or inarticulate he's listenting to the MSM and not her.
Man, I really hate to break up this 'BRAIN TRUST/HIGH I.Q. mental moment'...BUT wouldn't it behoove you {DOGTOWNER} to at least scroll back to the beginning of this topic and re-read some of those posts by BUNZ {he lives & works in ALASKA...shocker, I know, but you might learn something from his previous posts}.

And as far as that constant verbal diarrhea laden waste of brain cells {ALWAYS} I won't even bother to point out how erroneous he/she/it's opinion is...because it's ALWAYS THE SAME...WRONG STRAIGHT ACROSS THE BOARD :rolleyes:
Man, I really hate to break up this 'BRAIN TRUST/HIGH I.Q. mental moment'...BUT wouldn't it behoove you {DOGTOWNER} to at least scroll back to the beginning of this topic and re-read some of those posts by BUNZ {he lives & works in ALASKA...shocker, I know, but you might learn something from his previous posts}.

And as far as that constant verbal diarrhea laden waste of brain cells {ALWAYS} I won't even bother to point out how erroneous he/she/it's opinion is...because it's ALWAYS THE SAME...WRONG STRAIGHT ACROSS THE BOARD :rolleyes:

I see you are not a fan either.

Is there a point of all the personal attacks ? If you do not value a poster's views, its easy to ignore them.
I see you are not a fan either.

Is there a point of all the personal attacks ? If you do not value a poster's views, its easy to ignore them.
I could give a 'Rat's Arse' either way about Dear's your lack of doing any research and judging others without knowing the whys/wherefores that drive me BUG NUTS {frankly, I thought you were better than all that but you seem to have attached yourself to the ILK of ALWAYS}...good for you...SHEEPLE seem to feel better in tribes/groups/Klan's :)
What we need to do is to get rid of parties altogether and make the candidates run on their own qualifications and philosophy. That way, maybe at least a few voters would take the time to find out where their candidate stands on the issues of the day and vote accordingly. Then, if we didn't have TV advertising, the candidates wouldn't need a hundred million to run deceptive ad campaigns. As it is now, the candidate declares a party affiliation, and at least half of the voters will vote according to party. That half (or so) would vote for a Beelzebub/Mephistopheles ticket if it was on the right party. Most of the rest of the voters watch TV ads uncritically, not asking themselves how much truth (if any) there is to the ads, never asking themselves who is actually paying for the ads and what they want to get back for their investment, just taking in the content of the ads and basing their opinions on them.

What a way to run a democracy! Nothing like insuring that money rather than people will decide who wins the election.

Well said. We must use public money to finance campaigns for viable candidates, period. I know, I know, people will scream 'we can't afford it!' But we really can't afford not to. Does the money flowing into the political coffers not get paid back many-fold in contracts, or financially beneficial legislation?

Ban lobbyists. Ban political donations over $100. Ban corporate donations, period. Let unions, NRAs, lawyers, pharma, military contractors, banks, trekkers, butterfly collectors, and the homeless rally their constituents, not buy political favor.
Just for kicks PLC1, are you a lib like Bunz or do you dislike Always?
PLC stands for Pragmatic, Libertarian, Conservative

Cause everyone knows Libs are in to controlling and re-educating.
Its not just the "liberals" and the left who are into control and re-education, plenty of "conservatives" and right wingers would do the same.
I could give a 'Rat's Arse' either way about Dear's your lack of doing any research and judging others without knowing the whys/wherefores that drive me BUG NUTS {frankly, I thought you were better than all that but you seem to have attached yourself to the ILK of ALWAYS}...good for you...SHEEPLE seem to feel better in tribes/groups/Klan's :)

You have no idea what I do or do not know about the governor other than she is smarter and more articulate that you seem to realize. You seem to be the one drinking the lefty fringe koolade regarding her.

And what did I say of either of you two ? That you were not fans. It does not take an abacus to figure that out.

Adn considering the caliber of your "ilk", you may know what they say about glass houses...

I thought I'd give you another chance, seems that was a bad idea.
Well said. We must use public money to finance campaigns for viable candidates, period. I know, I know, people will scream 'we can't afford it!' But we really can't afford not to. Does the money flowing into the political coffers not get paid back many-fold in contracts, or financially beneficial legislation?

Ban lobbyists. Ban political donations over $100. Ban corporate donations, period. Let unions, NRAs, lawyers, pharma, military contractors, banks, trekkers, butterfly collectors, and the homeless rally their constituents, not buy political favor.

Just ban advertising. That is the lion's share of campaign expense.

Publish a platform. Media can place it in their media, even add endorsements. But no commentary, opinion or any other spin.

Just the facts.
You have no idea what I do or do not know about the governor other than she is smarter and more articulate that you seem to realize. You seem to be the one drinking the lefty fringe koolade regarding her.

And what did I say of either of you two ? That you were not fans. It does not take an abacus to figure that out.

Adn considering the caliber of your "ilk", you may know what they say about glass houses...

I thought I'd give you another chance, seems that was a bad idea.
Your statement to your ignorant twin {ALWAYS} that brought about my ATTITUDE on your judging others without bothering to; get to know them, read the post that BUNZ has made regarding Dear Sarah and now I'm explaining this all to you because you can't stay on POINT OR FOLLOW A and your twin seem destined to speak the same language/style/ minds thinking the same exact way :cool:

Originally Posted by dogtowner He doesnt appear to be a fan. If he thinks she's stupid or inarticulate he's listenting to the MSM and not her.

...Or, at-the-very-least, making-room for a competent-Governor!!!

When it comes to Parnell, so far so good. He is up for election this year. I dont know if I will support him then, but right now if asked if I approve or disapprove...I would approve.

One thing that the folks of the lower 48 probably cant fathom is how much the August 2008 changed things here. Alaska was in the media for Discovery and Travel Channel shows. Deadliest Catch hugely poppular show, even Alaskans who had nothing to do with the fishing industry found a little pride in the protrayal of hard working through tough conditions for boom or bust is as Alaskan as it gets.
Then when the Sarah situation propped up, and the world changed for Alaska and Alaskans. Alaska, for better or worse was dragged into the modern 21st century as a State because of her. The kid gloves were removed on all sides and has changed from being a largely community based movement to an all to sad partisan based electorate.

That being said, a few months back I was in an Anchorage Sportsmans Warehouse and I saw the Governor and the First Lady trying on boots. No cameras, no security, no undue attention from other customers. It was like when the previous Governors of Alaska, when they would often be seen shopping alone or with only family, and largely went unbothered.
AS usual BUNZ does not list specifics concering the very smart and politically talented GOV. Sarah Palin. Instead he condems her never giving facts. SAD!!

I have never had a problem with providing facts and evidence for my arguments. It is you who seems to have problem. I have been making threads and posts about Sarah long before you were a member here, and well before she was ever nominated. Maybe you should take some time and read through the threads where I supported her before she morphed from something she takes every opportunity to bash today.