The Alaska and Sarah Divorce

OH , BUNZ , I'm on the same planet as you, I just do not censor post who disgree with me . I like to hear opposing ideas and thoughts .
I would never do that even if I were like you, it just is not right for me!
Now , stop your ranting!

You are provided considerable space on your blog to post your bandwidth wasting narratives. Please utilize that as such.

As for you saying you like to hear opposing ideas, you have called for basically anyone who doesnt share your limited world view to become extinct.
You are so phony Bunz,
Reading that coming from you is a source of pride.
Here you mention the Anchorage Daily News shutting down comment section on Mrs Palin
Oh there is more to the story, check out some of these links from the ADN. Most of them have comments available. Go ahead and read some of them. Knowing that most of those posts are coming from Alaskas. Who probably at some point liked Sarah.
BUT YOU DELETE post that YOU DO NOT LIKE often on the Political Forum!!
You are free to find another forum to post in. This a privately owned and free site. You are able to post here as long as you follow the rules. Your threads continue to violate what is acceptable as a post starting a thread.
Also you are so JEALOUS of her SUCCESS with her BOOK, selling over 3 MILLION Copies in a very short time. How many books have you written? How are your sales?
Well actually I have written two. One is available through the Alaska University Press. Contact me for details on how to acquire a copy.
The fact of the matter is that I wouldnt trade my life for what Sarah has for 50million bucks. She sold out cheap. Those who seek the limelight ALWAYS do.
Those on THIS FORUM by NOW must begin to see how shallow you are!!
THE REAL reason you dislike Gov Sarah Palin is she is a CONSERVATIVE, a REAGAN type politician , a GOD fearing citizen , and LOYAL to her cause!!
Admit your BIAS!!
Admit your BIAS! Sarah is not a CONSERVATIVE! When in fact I have posted quite a bit of EVIDENCE that in she is a SOCIALIST! Admit SARAH is a SOCIALIST!
He doesnt appear to be a fan. If he thinks she's stupid or inarticulate he's listenting to the MSM and not her.

Ah, but you must understand, that for roughly the first 20 months of her administration I was a fan. I supported many of her policy priorities.

It was Sarah who changed, not Alaska. I dont think she is stupid, nor do I think her inarticulate.
Just for kicks PLC1, are you a lib like Bunz or do you dislike Always?

Cause everyone knows Libs are in to controlling and re-educating.

I know, that Lib that supports the second amendment, ANWR, border security. What a concept.

Wasnt you who suggested that we basically eliminate liberals?
PLC stands for Pragmatic, Libertarian, Conservative

Its not just the "liberals" and the left who are into control and re-education, plenty of "conservatives" and right wingers would do the same.

Please stop making sense.
You have no idea what I do or do not know about the governor other than she is smarter and more articulate that you seem to realize. You seem to be the one drinking the lefty fringe koolade regarding her.
As I said before I dont think she is dumb, not by any stretch of the imagination. She is largely ignorant. To a glaringly obvious level. Nor is she gifted either. There is no question in my mind that George W. Bush is smarter than Sarah bar none.
And what did I say of either of you two ? That you were not fans. It does not take an abacus to figure that out.
There was a time, but no longer where I support Sarah. It was her actions and not a change in me that caused this.
I think its kind of cute that you have not liked or agreed when anyone has called obama a socialist but you think Sarah Palin is a socialist.

Look, BUNZ hates Sarah Palin because she is so SMART, SO CONSERVATIVE , SO POPULAR! Bunz cannot censor Sarah Palin , cannot force his "progressive" fascist , socialist, liberal, communist, statist eliteism, totally mixed up political ideas upon her tremendous future. He sees and knows where Mrs Palin will eventually end up and it is killing him.
Me thinks he protest too much.

I think BUNZ is "RANTING" and according to his own rules he must delete his post and possibly face sanctions. "Moderators" must afterall be honest and fair!
As I said before I dont think she is dumb, not by any stretch of the imagination. She is largely ignorant. To a glaringly obvious level. Nor is she gifted either. There is no question in my mind that George W. Bush is smarter than Sarah bar none.

There was a time, but no longer where I support Sarah. It was her actions and not a change in me that caused this.

Dubya is better educated certainly and the governor does not have the bredth of knowledge (aka gnorant). Any change of heart is certainly understandable and absolutely your right.
AS usual BUNZ does not list specifics concering the very smart and politically talented GOV. Sarah Palin. Instead he condems her never giving facts. SAD!!
Yeah....that'd be the downside o' being a LOCAL (...and, actually knowing what's been goin'-on.)

OH , BUNZ , I'm on the same planet as you, I just do not censor post who disgree with me . I like to hear opposing ideas and thoughts .
Here ya' GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"When Palin left office in 2002, Wasilla had “racked up nearly $20 million in long-term debt,” or roughly $3,000 of debt per resident."
You are so phony Bunz, Here you mention the Anchorage Daily News shutting down comment section on Mrs Palin BUT YOU DELETE post that YOU DO NOT LIKE often on the Political Forum!! Also you are so JEALOUS of her SUCCESS with her BOOK, selling over 3 MILLION Copies in a very short time. How many books have you written? How are your sales?
Those on THIS FORUM by NOW must begin to see how shallow you are!!
THE REAL reason you dislike Gov Sarah Palin is she is a CONSERVATIVE, a REAGAN type politician , a GOD fearing citizen , and LOYAL to her cause!!
Admit your BIAS!!
Would you pleeeeaaaasssse quit your whining....and, start workin' on your punctuation, instead?
