What Religion are you?

What Religion are you?

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Christians attacking Muslims? You mean verbally?

Even physically, or did you not see the news about the three "christian" militia members planning on attacking a Mosque, or attacks on homosexuals, Blacks, etc. Now, I know you are going to go to the numbers game, however, can you really do so considering the war the US started in the ME?
Even physically, or did you not see the news about the three "christian" militia members planning on attacking a Mosque, or attacks on homosexuals, Blacks, etc. Now, I know you are going to go to the numbers game, however, can you really do so considering the war the US started in the ME?
They were not doing those things because the bible told them so. The muslims do because it does tell them to do it.
They were not doing those things because the bible told them so. The muslims do because it does tell them to do it.

Actually, the Bible does tell them to do such if you had ever read it. In fact, the Bible supports slavery, and patriarchy. Now, since I know you have never read the Koran, it does not tell its followers to kill innocent people, nor does it tell them to kill fellow Muslims (believers). It is a perverted view of the Koran that does so just as it was a perverted view of scripture that allowed them to justify slavery, or kill homosexuals.
Even physically, or did you not see the news about the three "christian" militia members planning on attacking a Mosque, or attacks on homosexuals, Blacks, etc. Now, I know you are going to go to the numbers game, however, can you really do so considering the war the US started in the ME?
Numbers game.. no need.. I know a lot of Christians and talk to many more.. none of them want to see harm come to any muslim.. Read the Koran and the Hadith then we can talk.. Just don't try and make any Christian comparison to the Muslim faith and the killing of innocent people.. Not today anyway..
Numbers game.. no need.. I know a lot of Christians and talk to many more.. none of them want to see harm come to any muslim.. Read the Koran and the Hadith then we can talk.. Just don't try and make any Christian comparison to the Muslim faith and the killing of innocent people.. Not today anyway..

Have already read parts of the Koran that apply to the topic at hand. Only 1% of the Muslim world feels like ISIS does, and yet you would condemn all of Islam for their terorist activities never understanding what the Koran teaches, and never wanting to. And then just because a minority of Christians support killing homosexuals, abortionists, slavery, etc., some=how that is irrelevant.

Like I said, hypocrisy will destroy Christianity long before the left, atheists, etc., will:


Then you can enlighten yourself with this:


As usual, you have managed to find a site that distorts the truth, and supports a lie. Just as an example, the Koran says in Chapter 2, Verse 190: "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loves not transgressors." However, your example ignores verse 190, and begins with verse 191 ""And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out....." in reference to those who attack Islam.

But what the heck, you aren't interested in truth, or peace. Just more wars where cowards like Trump can play at being "warriors" like Bush & co. did:

As I said; "And since Agnostics believe it is impossible to know the truth". And since there is a possibility that an Agnostic will see that there is a God, it is hardly conceivable to say he is an atheist. And "Agnostic/Atheist" would be one confused person.


I am Atheist because I believe there is not a god, and there is no evidence to suggest their is one
I am Agnostic because I believe that there is nothing that says there can not be one, but if evidence was shown I would look a it, but right now there is none and I don't think we could prove there was one.

Some Atheist believe there is no God...end of story, not possible to have one, just made up fairy tail. I am open to the idea that their could be something far out of what we can understand, that by our view today could be considered God or an Afterlife of some form. I believe there is zero change the bible and Jesus will have anything to do with it though.
I am Atheist because I believe there is not a god, and there is no evidence to suggest their is one
I am Agnostic because I believe that there is nothing that says there can not be one, but if evidence was shown I would look a it, but right now there is none and I don't think we could prove there was one.

Some Atheist believe there is no God...end of story, not possible to have one, just made up fairy tail. I am open to the idea that their could be something far out of what we can understand, that by our view today could be considered God or an Afterlife of some form. I believe there is zero change the bible and Jesus will have anything to do with it though.

Then you are not an Atheist, you are an agnostic. End of story.
pretty sure there will not be, See the odd thing is I can be a good moral person without Fear of Hell or the promise of Reward. if that's not enough for your god, well your god is a Prick then and I want no place with it.

Now, why would you want to be a loud mouth prick when you know nothing about the faith you condemn, nor do those you seek to guide you?

Romans 2: 13-16 applies to those like you:

"(For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;) In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel."
pretty sure there will not be, See the odd thing is I can be a good moral person without Fear of Hell or the promise of Reward. if that's not enough for your god, well your god is a Prick then and I want no place with it.
Sorry you feel that way, I am glad you can be a good moral person with-out God, but I'm happy where i'm at.. Thank you